Tue 27 August 2024 | 6:30 pm - 9:00 pm
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Doron Fishler in a lecture ~ the worst movie EVER
So you’ve seen a Michael Bay movie, and you think it’s the worst thing in the world? You didn’t see anything. There are movies that have become legends, that have rightfully been called “the worst movie ever made.” A lecture with demonstrations about some of the most notorious films in the history of cinema, and how they managed to reach this prestigious status
* The lecture starts about 30 minutes after the doors open
* Entry to the bar from age 18 and over
* Seating is subject to availability
* You can order food and drinks on the spot
讚讜专讜谉 驻讬砖诇专 讘讛专爪讗讛 ~ 讛住专讟 讛讻讬 讙专讜注 EVER
讗讝 专讗讬转诐 住专讟 砖诇 诪讬讬拽诇 讘讬讬, 讜讗转诐 讞讜砖讘讬诐 砖讝讛 讛讚讘专 讛讻讬 讙专讜注 讘注讜诇诐? 诇讗 专讗讬转诐 讻诇讜诐. 讬砖谞诐 住专讟讬诐 砖讛驻讻讜 诇讗讙讚讛, 砖讝讻讜 讜讘爪讚拽 诇讛讬拽专讗 “讛住专讟 讛讙专讜注 讘讬讜转专 砖谞讜爪专 讗讬 驻注诐”. 讛专爪讗讛 注诐 讛讚讙诪讜转 注诇 讻诪讛 诪讛住专讟讬诐 讛讬讚讜注讬诐 讘讬讜转专 诇砖诪爪讛 讘转讜诇讚讜转 讛拽讜诇谞讜注, 讜讗讬讱 讛爪诇讬讞讜 诇讛讙讬注 诇诪注诪讚 讛讻讛 谞讻讘讚 讛讝讛. 讗讜 讛讬讬 诪讗专拽.
* 转讞讬诇转 讛讛专爪讗讛 讻-30 讚拽’ 诇讗讞专 驻转讬讞转 讛讚诇转讜转
* 讛讻谞讬住讛 诇讘专 诪讙讬诇 18 讜诪注诇讛
* 讛讬砖讬讘讛 注诇 讘住讬住 诪拽讜诐 驻谞讜讬
* 谞讬转谉 诇讛讝诪讬谉 讗讜讻诇 讜砖转讬讬讛 讘诪拽讜诐