Tue 28 May 2019 | 9:00 pm - 11:30 pm
TEDER.FM - Jaffa Road, 9, Tel Aviv,

Charley drawer – Tomorrow has already passed\
28.5 || 21:00 || Beit Romano Free admission

~ Special screening of “Tomorrow has already passed” – a film by Boaz Goldberg on the life and work of one of the unique known local scene – Charlie drawer ~

In 2000 the journalist and musician Boaz Goldberg, documenting his friend on Abudraham – young dreamy Beit Shean with Obsessed with Elvis, with an attraction to mystical teachings and virtuoso virtuoso virtues. The shy Abderham creates an eccentric character named Charley Drawer, embarking on a stormy musical journey and reaches even the largest stages in the United States. Together with his struggle for world artistic recognition, Abudraham was forced to deal constantly with the inner demons he tried to silence with the larger figure he created. Demons who eventually defeated him two years ago in his apartment in Berlin. “Tomorrow has passed” is a rare musical docu,

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