Tue 28 September 2021 | 7:00 pm - 11:00 pm
Cafe Shapira - Ralbag 15, Tel Aviv,

This week, Sucho will return to the position, equipped with the best melodies for the No. 266 session of Deep Roots in the cafe, and rumors speak of many rare tunes that are not heard anywhere else in the city …

So apart from a lot of good music we have in the cafe:
* San Miguel from the barrel
* Vegan meals
* Handmade pizzas
* Vibes of a kibbutz in the middle of the city
* Welcome to bring the whole family

// ska // rocksteady // early reggae // roots // dub //
“First Cafe in Shapira” – Ralbag 15 Shapira neighborhood, Tel Aviv
Starting at 19:00

Check Out The Event Page On Facebook

讛砖讘讜注 住讜讻讜 讬讞讝讜专 诇注诪讚讛 诪爪讜讬讬讚 讘诪讬讬讟讘 讛谞讬讙讜谞讬诐 诇住砖谉 诪住驻专 266 砖诇 讛讚讬驻 专讜讟住 讘拽驻讛 讜讛砖诪讜注讜转 诪讚讘专讜转 注诇 讛专讘讛 讟讬讜谞讬诐 谞讚讬专讬诐 砖诇讗 砖讜诪注讬诐 讘砖讜诐 诪拽讜诐 讗讞专 讘注讬专…
讗讝 讞讜抓 诪讛专讘讛 诪讜讝讬拽讛 讟讜讘讛 讬砖 诇谞讜 讘拽驻讛:
*住讗谉 诪讬讙诇 诪讛讞讘讬转
*讗专讜讞讜转 讟讘注讜谞讬讜转
*驻讬爪讜转 讘注讘讜讚转 讬讚
*讜讬讬讘讝 砖诇 拽讬讘讜抓 讘讗诪爪注 讛注讬专
*诪讜讝诪谞讬诐 诇讛讘讬讗 讗转 讻诇 讛诪砖驻讞讛
// ska //rocksteady // early reggae // roots // dub //
“拽驻讛 专讗砖讜谉 讘砖驻讬专讗” – 专诇讘”讙 15 砖讻讜谞转 砖驻讬专讗, 转诇 讗讘讬讘
讛讞诇 诪- 19:00
Check Out The Event Page On Facebook

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