Sat 3 December 2022 | 4:00 pm - 11:59 pm
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Hi to the dreamers, how are you?

It was a crazy year, a year in which everything exploded anew, we met at countless small and large, accurate and different events, we continued to spread the word and bring the same live electronic music to more and more spaces which we filled with the magic of the beat and we achieved the same goal and goal we set before our eyes – to reach as many as possible ears and souls in the Israeli pressure cooker, and make the audience release the daily pressure and surrender to the frequency.

And here, after a long wait, comes this moment again, this moment in the year when Nadav, the head of our tribe, replaces another digit in this number we call “age”.

Those who have been with us at Nadav’s birthday celebrations in recent years know that this is an event that you really shouldn’t miss, and this time the celebration is double because in addition to Nadav’s birthday, we will also celebrate the release of ‘Rainbow’, a new single by Nadav that already blew some of you away at Nadav’s previous concerts, and we know There are quite a few people who waited patiently until they could hear it over and over again.

So write in your diaries on Saturday, December 3rd starting at noon, the circle of dreams family, meets in the inclusive and embracing space of Haoman 17 in Tel Aviv, to celebrate the life and joys we mentioned above.

All that’s left is to get excited and dive deep into the mesmerizing journey we’ve put together for you, starting in the early afternoon when we’ll all connect to the same frequency and dance without limits to a spectacular rainbow of colorful sounds.

You are invited to delve into the team of creators, and the creators (shows, DJs, musicians, etc..) who will win this special event:

Nadav Dagon
Niv Asst
Benjo & Yael Dagon

Mita Gami
Kino Todo
Netta Ze & Gili Go
Between Jobs

love and are excited to see you in a place where dreams come true,

Circle Of Dreams

讛讬讬 诇讞讜诇诪讬诐 讜砖诇讜诐 诇讞讜诇诪讜转, 诪讛 砖诇讜诪讻谉.诐?

讝讗转 讛讬讬转讛 砖谞讛 诪讟讜专驻转, 砖谞讛 砖讘讛 讛讻诇 讛转驻讜爪抓 诪讞讚砖, 谞驻讙砖谞讜 讘讗讬谞住驻讜专 讗讬专讜注讬诐 拽讟谞讬诐 讜讙讚讜诇讬诐, 诪讚讜讬讬拽讬诐 讜砖讜谞讬诐, 讛诪砖讻谞讜 诇讛驻讬抓 讗转 讛讘砖讜专讛 讜诇讛讘讬讗 讗转 讗讜转讛 诪讜讝讬拽讛 讗诇拽讟专讜谞讬转 讞讬讛 诇注讜讚 讜注讜讚 诪专讞讘讬诐 讗讜转诐 诪讬诇讗谞讜 讘拽住诐 讛拽爪讘 讜讛讙砖诪谞讜 讗转 讗讜转讜 讛讬注讚 讜讗讜转讛 讛诪讟专讛 砖砖诪谞讜 诇谞讙讚 注讬谞讬谞讜 – 诇讛讙讬注 诇讻诪讛 砖讬讜转专 讗讜讝谞讬讬诐 讜谞砖诪讜转 讘住讬专 讛诇讞抓 讛讬砖专讗诇讬, 讜诇讙专讜诐 诇拽讛诇 诇砖讞专专 讗转 讛诇讞抓 讛讬讜诪讬讜诪讬 讜诇讛转诪住专 诇转讚专.

讜讛谞讛 讗讞专讬 讛诪转谞讛 讗专讜讻讛 诪讙讬注 讛专讙注 讛讝讛 砖讜讘, 讛专讙注 讛讝讛 讘砖谞讛 砖谞讚讘, 专讗砖 讛砖讘讟 砖诇谞讜, 诪讞诇讬祝 注讜讚 住驻专讛 讘诪住驻专 讛讝讛 砖讗谞讞谞讜 拽讜专讗讬诐 诇讜 “讙讬诇”.

诪讬 砖讛讬讛 讗讬转谞讜 讘讞讙讬讙讜转 讛讬诪讜诇讚转 砖诇 谞讚讘 讘砖谞讬诐 讛讗讞专讜谞讜转 讬讜讚注 砖讝讛 讗讬专讜注 砖诪诪砖 诇讗 讻讚讗讬 诇驻住驻住, 讜讛驻注诐 讛讞讙讬讙讛 讻驻讜诇讛 讻讬 诪诇讘讚 讛讬讜诪讜诇讚转 砖诇 谞讚讘 谞讞讙讜讙 讙诐 讗转 砖讬讞专讜专讜 砖诇 ‘专讬讬谞讘讜讗讜’, 住讬谞讙诇 讞讚砖 砖诇 谞讚讘 砖讻讘专 讛注讬祝 讘讗讜讜讬专 讗转 讞诇拽讻诐 讘讛讜驻注讜转 讛拽讜讚诪讜转 砖诇 谞讚讘, 讜讗谞讞谞讜 讬讜讚注讬诐 砖讬砖 诇讗 诪注讟 讗谞砖讬诐 砖讞讬讻讜 讘住讘诇谞讜转 注讚 砖讬讜讻诇讜 诇砖诪讜注 讗讜转讜 砖讜讘 讜砖讜讘.

讗讝 转专砖诪讜 讘讬讜诪谞讬诐 讘讬讜诐 砖讘转, 讛03.12 讛讞诇 诪砖注讜转 讛爪讛专讬讬诐, 诪砖驻讞转 诪注讙诇 讛讞诇讜诪讜转, 谞驻讙砖转 讘讞诇诇 讛诪讻讬诇 讜讛诪讞讘拽 砖诇 讛讗讜诪谉 17 讘转诇 讗讘讬讘, 讻讚讬 诇讞讙讜讙 讗转 讛讞讬讬诐 讜讗转 讛砖诪讞讜转 砖讛讝讻专谞讜 诇诪注诇讛.

讻诇 诪讛 砖谞讜转专 讝讛 诇讛转专讙砖 讜诇爪诇讜诇 注诪讜拽 驻谞讬诪讛 讗诇 转讜讱 讛诪住注 讛诪驻讛谞讟 砖专拽讞谞讜 注讘讜专讻谉.诐, 讛讞诇 诪砖注讜转 讛爪讛专讬讬诐 讛诪讜拽讚诪讜转 讘讜 谞转讞讘专 讻讜诇谞讜 诇讗讜转讜 讛转讚专 讜谞专拽讜讚 诇诇讗 讙讘讜诇讜转 诇拽砖转 诪专讛讬讘讛 砖诇 爪诇讬诇讬诐 爪讘注讜谞讬讬诐.

讗转谉.诐 诪讜讝诪谞讬诐.讜转 诇讛转注诪拽 讘谞讘讞专转 讛讬讜爪专讜转, 讜讛讬讜爪专讬诐 (诪讜驻注讬诐, 转拽诇讬讟谞讬诐, 谞讙谞讬诐 讜注讜讚..) 砖讬谞爪讞讜 注诇 讛讗讬专讜注 讛诪讬讜讞讚 讛讝讛:

Nadav Dagon
Niv Ast
Benjo & Yael Dagon

Mita Gami
Kino Todo
Netta Ze & Gili Go
Between Jobs

讗讜讛讘讬诐 讜诪转专讙砖讬诐 诇专讗讜转讻谉.诐 讘诪拽讜诐 砖讘讜 讞诇讜诪讜转 诪转讙砖诪讬诐,

Circle Of Dreams 鉂わ笍
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