Mon 10 September 2018 | 10:30 pm - 11:59 pm
Beit Maariv - karlibach 2, Tel Aviv,

Hello, here Anonymous. Relaxing from our last party, recovering from the one in front of her and the one before me. And then, we thought, for a long time we did not screw a good thing. Connecting with people with the same state of mind as ours to create something great, exciting and exciting. And after a series of parties and events that left us with the jaw on the floor, it was time to veer a little to the left and surprise you with one.

So Rosh Hashanah 2018 Nineteen, we’re returning Baby!

This happens along with the most real club, giving, honest, underground, authentic, kicking, lifting, invested, contemporary, and the city.

Maariv House.

And because it was our Rosh Hashana, we gave in advance to guests from abroad, pickups from Netivot, meals at Port Said and posts with German words.

We brought our best, Israeli, home immediately, 100 percent of GDP.


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