Sun 15 January 2023 | 9:30 am - 5:00 pm
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At the end of the 2015 academic year, Prof. Larry Abramson retired from his work at the multidisciplinary art school in Shankar, which he founded with his colleagues in 2008, and which he managed between 2016-2013. His retirement summarizes four decades of work in art, art teaching and academic management.

During these years, Abramson became a trainer and lecturer at the beginning of his career as a senior and experienced artist with a local and international career, a teacher who raised generations of artists and female artists, an academic leader, a theoretician and a fighter for freedom of expression.

During this period his works were exhibited in major galleries and museums in Israel and abroad, his articles were published in magazines, catalogs and books, and the connections he created between painting and theory and political thought and between contemporary art and the history of the modern era, became central landmarks in the local and international discourse on art and its place in society.

The conference will include layered references to the various axes that characterize Abramson’s contribution to Israeli culture – as a painter, as a theorist, as a teacher and as a political artist.

The conference will be attended by researchers and curators who will analyze aspects of his work, and active artists who were his students in the recent and distant past, and will discuss his unique path as an educator.

The conference will be held in Auditorium 2000, in the Mitchell Building, 8 Yeda Ham St., Shankar

讘住讜祝 砖谞转 讛诇讬诪讜讚讬诐 转砖驻状讘 驻专砖 驻专讜驻壮 诇讗专讬 讗讘专诪住讜谉 诇讙诪诇讗讜转 诪注讘讜讚转讜 讘讘讬讛状住 诇讗诪谞讜转 专讘-转讞讜诪讬转 讘砖谞拽专, 讗讜转讜 讬讬住讚 注诐 注诪讬转讬讜 讘砖谞转 2008, 讜讗讜转讜 谞讬讛诇 讘讬谉 讛砖谞讬诐 2013-2016. 驻专讬砖转讜 诪住讻诪转 讗专讘注讛 注砖讜专讬诐 砖诇 注讘讜讚讛 讘讗诪谞讜转, 讘讛讜专讗转 讗诪谞讜转 讜讘谞讬讛讜诇 讗拽讚诪讬.

讘砖谞讬诐 讗诇讜 讛驻讱 讗讘专诪住讜谉 诪讗诪谉 讜诪专爪讛 讘专讗砖讬转 讚专讻讜 诇讗诪谉 讘讻讬专 讜诪谞讜住讛 讘注诇 拽专讬讬专讛 诪拽讜诪讬转 讜讘讬谞诇讗讜诪讬转, 诪讜专讛 砖讙讬讚诇 讚讜专讜转 砖诇 讗诪谞讬诐 讜讗诪谞讬讜转, 诪谞讛讬讙 讗拽讚诪讬, 转讬讗讜专讟讬拽谉 讜诇讜讞诐 诇诪注谉 讞讜驻砖 讛讘讬讟讜讬.

讘转拽讜驻讛 讝讜 讬爪讬专讜转讬讜 讛讜爪讙讜 讘讙诇专讬讜转 讜讘诪讜讝讬讗讜谞讬诐 诪专讻讝讬讬诐 讘讬砖专讗诇 讜讘讞讜状诇, 诪讗诪专讬讜 驻讜专住诪讜 讘讻转讘讬 注转, 拽讟诇讜讙讬诐 讜住驻专讬诐, 讜讛讞讬讘讜专讬诐 砖讬爪专 讘讬谉 爪讬讜专 诇讘讬谉 转讬讗讜专讬讛 讜诪讞砖讘讛 驻讜诇讬讟讬转 讜讘讬谉 讗诪谞讜转 讘转 讝诪谞谞讜 诇讛讬住讟讜专讬讛 砖诇 讛注转 讛诪讜讚专谞讬转, 讛驻讻讜 诇爪讬讜谞讬 讚专讱 诪专讻讝讬讬诐 讘砖讬讞 讛诪拽讜诪讬 讜讛讘讬谞诇讗讜诪讬 注诇 讛讗诪谞讜转 讜诪拽讜诪讛 讘讞讘专讛.

诇专讙诇 驻专讬砖转讜, 讘讬讛状住 诇讗诪谞讜转 专讘-转讞讜诪讬转 – 讜诪讻诇诇转 砖谞拽专 讻讜诇讛 – 专讜讗讬诐 讝讗转 讻讝讻讜转 讙讚讜诇讛 诇讗专讙谉 讻谞住 讘讬谞诇讗讜诪讬 砖讬驻谞讛 讝专拽讜专 诪专讜讻讝 讗诇 注讘专 讬爪讬专转讜 讜讗诇 注讘专 转专讜诪转讜 讛住讙讜诇讬转 砖诇 讗讘专诪住讜谉 诇讗诪谞讜转, 诇讗拽讚诪讬讛 讜诇砖讬讞 讛爪讬讘讜专讬 讘讬砖专讗诇.

讛讻谞住 讬讻诇讜诇 讛转讬讬讞住讜讬讜转 诪专讜讘讚讜转 讗诇 讛爪讬专讬诐 讛砖讜谞讬诐 讛诪讗驻讬讬谞讬诐 讗转 转专讜诪转讜 砖诇 讗讘专诪住讜谉 诇转专讘讜转 讛讬砖专讗诇讬转 – 讻爪讬讬专, 讻转讬讗讜专讟讬拽谉, 讻诪讜专讛 讜讻讗诪谉 驻讜诇讬讟讬.

讘讻谞住 讬砖转转驻讜 讞讜拽专讬诐.讜转 讜讗讜爪专讬诐.讜转 砖讬谞转讞讜 讛讬讘讟讬诐 砖诇 注讘讜讚转讜, 讜讗诪谞讬诐.讜转 驻注讬诇讬诐.讜转 砖讛讬讜 转诇诪讬讚讬讜 讘注讘专 讛专讞讜拽 讜讛拽专讜讘, 讜讬砖讜讞讞讜 注诇 讚专讻讜 讛讬讬讞讜讚讬转 讻诪讞谞讱.

讛讻谞住 讬转拽讬讬诐 讘讗讜讚讬讟讜专讬讜诐 2000, 讘讘谞讬讬谉 诪讬讟砖诇, 专讞’ 讬讚注 注诐 8, 砖谞拽专

爪讬诇讜诐 讙’谞讬 讗讙诇讬抓
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