Tue 4 July 2023 | 6:30 pm - 8:45 pm
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Let’s paint this Tel Aviv 4th of July Red White and Blue Kerem House style and make sunsets great again!
Satisfy your need for patriotism, friends and fun as we celebrate freedoms to sunset and enjoy live music featuring the talents of David Gindis!
Where: Tel Aviv
When: 6:30PM
When: 6:30PM
RSVP: Free. BBQ available on location!
Can鈥檛 wait to celebrate freedom with you!
About the 4th of July:
Independence Day is a federal holiday in the United States commemorating the Declaration of Independence of the United States on July 4, 1776. The Continental Congress declared that the thirteen American colonies were no longer subject to the monarch of Britain and were now united, free, and independent states.
Independence Day is a federal holiday in the United States commemorating the Declaration of Independence of the United States on July 4, 1776. The Continental Congress declared that the thirteen American colonies were no longer subject to the monarch of Britain and were now united, free, and independent states.
About Kerem House: Kerem House is a community-led cultural space in the heart of Tel Aviv, organized by young people who wish to create a vibrant Jewish community, for themselves and for their peers. Since its establishment, Kerem House has fed and hosted over 3,000 Israelis, olim and visitors over the course of 300+ Shabbat dinners, holiday meals and a variety of communal events and activities.
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Learn more about us at www.KeremHouse.com
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